Report Child Abuse 1-800-252-5400

or call 911


The Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso has been helping El Paso County's victimized children since December of 1996. The Center was created by sixteen concerned El Pasoans which included the District Attorney, County Attorney, Hospital Administrators, Clergymen, Teachers, and Local Businessmen seeing children victimized by severe physical and/or sexual abuse falling through judicial cracks. Children were waiting long periods of time to receive forensic interviews, coordinated investigations, necessary medical and counseling services. They began forming the Center in 1994. The Center opened on December 19, 1996. Our first victim was an abandoned 18-month-old baby girl.


  We owe these children safety; we owe them the opportunity to be heard; we owe them the opportunity to heal. 



The Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso is a nationally accredited children's advocacy center. We are the first stop for children in El Paso County who are suspected victims of sexual and serious physical abuse and for children who have witnessed a violent crime. The Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso is a child-friendly, specially equipped facility where children go for interviews, counseling and intervention during the investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases. All services are provided at no charge.
What is the Advocacy Center
for the Children of El Paso?
  • A private, non-profit organization that advocates for child victims of severe physically and/or sexually abuse.
  • A child-oriented facility
  • An innovative approach in which investigating agencies collaborate to put the child's best interest first.

We assist children victimized by severe physical and/or sexual abuse. Our Victims' Assistance Program provides the following services :

  • Crisis Counseling 
  • Follow up services
  • Therapy                                      
  • Information referrals (in person)
  • Justice/advocacy                      
  • Assistance in filing claims
  • Personal advocacy                 
  • Telephone contacts
  • Transportation, care packages, letters, translations, meals, court preparation

       Our Victim's Assistance Program which includes all services listed above to also include: coordinating professional agency investigations, providing a child friendly environment, and forensic interviews.

Why do we need an Advocacy Center?

  Many El Paso children fall victim to physical and sexual abuse each year. Last year over 4,300 cases of abuse and/or neglect were referred for investigation to Child Protective Services and law enforcement.

  Prior to the establishment of the Advocacy Center, child victims were sent to many places to tell their stories to various people and then wait for needed services. Besides the abuse they have suffered, children may be traumatized by the investigation. The Advocacy Center is here to help child victims of abuse.


The Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso is a national accredited CAC and El Paso County's only Children Advocacy Center

Website by Aldo Puentes. 

 Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso 1100 E.Cliff, Bldg D. El Paso, TX 79902 (915) 545-5400